Well my trip is almost over. It has been a great trip except for my friend Trevor being sick Tuesday - today. He is feeling better now and even made it up for an afternoon of skiing. While here we met some Germans that are staying at the same resort we are. We have developed a friendship while we have been here. Today I skied with them all day (or at least until 2:30). We hit some great runs. Today the weather was really great, blue skies and very cold. When we came home from dinner the temperature was 14 degrees. I don't think it made it much over 25 degrees today. This morning I saw a fox running outside our condo, this fox was out last night too. The funny part is that both times I have seen it it peed on the same little tree. It must be marking its territory or something. We didn't see any moose today and Trevor is getting upset about that, it seems that he has missed all of the wildlife except for the fox. We ate a great little burger joint tonight. Just a counter that wrapped around the cooking area. There was grease everywhere and it was VERY unhealthy, however it was very good. That's about it, enjoy the pics below.
Here is our little fox.

View from the top of one of the runs. Note how far down the condos are on the left, that's where we take the first lift to get to the top of the mountain a difference of about 4,000 feet.

My new friends (from left to right) Leo, Karo, Michael and me.

Trevor finally made it up to the mountain today after being sick for 3 days.

Some spectacular views.