Here are some old school pics...
The crew at Silver Falls

Boston was excited about something...
Our first winter in Oregon, not sure what Merilee is doing - probably directing the camera to take the picture like this, wait no like that, hold on go back to the other way...
Mason and Sid, they sure have grown!

Some other crazy family photo
Time flies...I especially love that picture where Merilee is "directing" the camera. Typical Merilee! So Bossy! J/k
Oh man I can't believe how little the kids were when you guys moved. I love those pictures.
Actually I am quite bossy, but in that photo I was caught at the tail end of blowing the camera a kiss. Now, Chris stop posting such weird pics of me. It's embarrassing!
I love these pictures! Chris, keep posting all these crazy pictures.
I forgot how young your kids were when you moved. What a cute little family.
So are you driving down here next week or what?!;)
We are driving down next week. We will be stopping in Cali for a night or so before we head to AZ. Should be a fun trip!
wait what about driving down here?
Chris, what are the dates that you will be in town? We should all get together...even though it appears that you and I have nothing in common. Kim seems to like your tastes though...go figure?!
Brian, you are the biggest tease! Would you really get together? I'm a bit skeptical after my last visit. That being said, I realize you weren't really talking to me.
Mer, I AM a tease..just ask Kim! You'll have to wait and see...
hey Merilee, have your husband answer me.
I love all these pictures. It's amazing how much your kids have grown since you moved here. You don't realize it until you see pictures like this. I'm liking your music playlist tonight. I've been having a very sad night because I keep thinking about a certain friend moving away and it's making me a little teary. So your music is actually just the cure.
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