On Friday Merilee had some party to go to where they were watching that lame movie Pride & Prejudice. I think the movie is like 7 hours long or something. First of all, who could even sit through a boring love fest movie for that long? Sounds like torture. Plus, there are too many things that need done to just sit in one spot for 7 hours.
Because Merilee was gone I had the kids. I was trying to think of something fun to do with them since we don’t have a lot of “without Mom time”. Should I take them to hotel for the night? Movies? Ice skating? Chuck – E – Cheese?
I decided to take them to a hockey game. I also let them each invite a friend to go with them. So we piled in the van – all 7 of us – and headed to Memorial Coliseum for a game that started at 7:00. We were going to have a very healthy dinner of whatever would be available at the arena so we left early – 5:00’ish. We got to the arena at 6:00 and found a perfect spot to park. We noticed that the parking lots were pretty empty – weird. When we exited the parking garage the plaza looked like a ghost town. Did I look at the date wrong? Was the game really Saturday night? No, we were just an hour and a half early. The game really started at 7:30. We had 30 minutes to kill before we could get into the arena. We bought our tickets and I let the kids run around a little bit.
The hockey game started and it was looking like Portland was doing ok. End of the first period score was 1-0 Spokane. The second period looked a little better. Portland scored their first goal and the first fight was on the books. Third period got a little out of hand as Portland lost 6-2. The third period did have 4 fights. All 6 kids loved the fights. They would rush the boards and pound and yell as the hockey players dropped their gloves, removed their helmets and started to bob and weave.
Overall a great night. All of the kids had fun and they were very well behaved. I am so grateful I have good kids who also have good friends.

Sid and Eliza:

The whole crew: