Another year has come and gone. I can’t believe it’s almost 2008. Where did this year go? Oh, I remember…
Work, grad school, kids activities (hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, dance, skiing/snowboarding, school activities, cross country, scouts, etc.), family vacations, Merilee’s multiple trips to AZ (why does she need to go 4 or 5 times a year???) and our everyday life just seems to get busier and busier.
This is a time of reflection, especially as I am turning 35 tomorrow. As I sit in my office today I can’t believe where life has taken me over the last 14 years or so.
Below are a few life changing moments...
- It started when I moved to Phoenix in 1994.
I met Merilee, Elise and Marcy in the fall at a Single's Ward FHE (that is so weird).
- Merilee and I were married in August of 1995. We were so young and we didn't know what we were doing. I think it's a miracle we are still married sometimes.
- Boston was born June 16, 1996. We had a brand new baby boy, how are you supposed to raise a child? At this point we really had no idea. (I am not sure if we are better off now though)
- In December 2006 started at Gould Electronics. Even though this was a crapper job I somehow am part of their retirement plan and I get $500/month when I turn 63 or 65.
- In May 1998 Mason was born. He has added so much personality to our family. Go Mas!
- In March 2000 Sidney was born. She completed our little family. How sweet it is to have our little Sid. I love it when she comes and gives me a big hug!
- August, 2000 I start school at University of Advancing Technology. Merilee becomes a single parent for the next 3 years. I think I averaged 14 credits plus a full time job. Nothing like working from 5 am to 5 pm and then going to school from 5:30 - 11:30 at night. Good times...
- December 2001 I was laid off at Gould Electronics.
- July 2002 Ruben got me a job at Lex Solutio - and the eDiscovery adventure begins.
- April 2003 I graduate from UAT.
- May 2003 I start at Solutions @ Law.
- September 2003 Fios, Inc offers me a job in Portland, OR.
- September 2003 our family moves to Beaverton, OR.
- January 2007 I start graduate school at Willamette University. Working on my MBA, I have really enjoyed this one. It has been a great experience, but again, Merilee is a single parent.
There are so many things that have happened since we have lived in Oregon, but I can't really list them all. I am so grateful that we are here. I believe living here has made my marriage stronger. I am so dependent on Merilee that I don't know what I would do without her. I believe our family has a stronger bond now than we ever have. I love having Joyce and her family so close. Sharon is such a wonderful Aunt, it's great. Chris B. is close so Merilee can have her family over too. (Although, we don't see him much)
Merry Christmas to all and Happy Holidays!
I'm impressed with your re-cap. We miss you guys even though we didn't see you much when you were hear. It's just nice knowing there's cool people nearby - you know?
Maybe you guys should move up here to Portland. Ian would love it. It is a really artsy town. You know you guys are always welcome to come and visit.
Happy Birthday! I feel so blessed to have made it onto your life changing events list. You and Merilee are amazing together. I remember the first time you guys took a drive up to Phoenix. You were standing together near the kitchen at Mom's and I knew right then that you would be my brother-in-law. Thanks for being an awesome one.
Can't wait to see you guys in January!
thanks for letting Merilee come to Az so often. We love it when anyone of you gets to come visit us.
We got our tickets today! Hooray!
Megan, I think this year I am going to limit Merilee's visits to one in the winter (i.e. today) and one in the fall, maybe October. She doesn't need to go that often... or so I think. I am sure Merilee would say otherwise.
Can't wait for you guys to come. I was up there on Wednesday and the snow was really good. We will be there again tomorrow - Wednesday. Right now we are sitting at about a 90" base. Should be fun!
I am going to start looking at hotels. When do you guys get in and when do you go home?
Happy birthday! When are you all coming to MY house?
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