It took me a while but I finally made it up to the mountain. It was pretty good. We actually went twice this week. I took the kids up Wednesday night after school. We left at 4:00 from my office. The traffic was so bad, we didn’t make it to Meadows (www.skihood.com) until 6:15. Since Merilee didn’t go I had to get the kids ready all by myself, which takes about 25 minutes. We then had to go inside to get our pictures taken for our season passes (we got passes for Christmas!). By the time we actually hit the slopes it was almost 7:00! But, we did get some good riding in. We stayed mainly on the little slope. I did leave the kids once and went to the top to get at least one good run in. By the time I made it down my legs were burning! All in all a good warm up to the season.
Thursday I worked and the kids went to school – we were all exhausted! I came home from work and crashed hard for a few hours – sorry Merilee.
Friday, I took the day off and kept the kids out of school and we went up to the mountain again. We met sister Joyce and my nephew Zach. It was really a great day.

Sid was doing really well. She made it down some blue runs ok, but was really doing well on the green runs. She no longer snow plows on the easier runs. The boys were happy to hit the parks to try some jumps and the half pipe. Meadows has a mini-pipe that Mason was killing!

Sidney was even cruising down the pipe. Boston went to the other side of the mountain with Joyce and Zach to cruise some of the natural half pipes that are available. The kids are pumped and ready to go again! Now if we can just get Merilee up to the mountain that would be a lot of fun.
love Boston's face in the group shot.
I like my face too
Yeah, it's pretty darn funny. What day should we go up this week?
I'm so excited to see your blog. Took you long enough, geez!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Can't wait to get up there with you guys and hit the slopes. It's been way to long. Now I've just got to make sure I have this ebay thing fixed so I know I have the money.
why don't i live in Oregon? It looks like so much fun!
Season passes?!! That's too cool. You still have to keep us informed of the good ski deals you hear about. We are on the road home from Lake Tahoe. Ever been there? We had our Syd ski for the first time and she loved it. Hurray!
Happy Birthday!
We're thinking of taking a day off work and yanking the kids out of school for that canned food day at Bachelor. Is it worth it? Was it crowded last year?
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